SCS Filtration Product Specification Catalogue 2020
SCS Filtration Product Specification Catalogue 2020
SCS Filtration Product Specification Catalogue 2020

Learn to Play Therapy – Textbook + Assistive Reader compatible e-Book

Pages414 total; ~280 pp text and 130 pages of tabulated data
Our workGraphic design for print
Graphic design for assistive reader e-book
Why it’s hereClear, organised design
Highly technical assistive reader requirements understood and met

Learn to Play Therapy runs education and training programmes for teachers, parents, therapists, psychologists, aides, health workers and various other child-centred allied workers, specifically around pretend play.

Previously effectively self-designed, the materials were very academic-looking: full of great materials but with much to gain from a designer’s assistance.

We were tasked with updating and producing the ChIPPA (Child Initiated Pretend Play Assessment) Manual which included a large section of tabular data.

We also needed to create an e-book version for assistive readers, obeying industry standards for document structure, content tags, illustration captions, descriptive text, etc.


The result is a professional, tidy document with appropriate text block width, clear, legible typography and sensible, easy-to-navigate internal wayfinding.