Geelong Zero Logo in semi-reversed semi-colour form

Multi-Age Ball + Soccer Skills Logo


Abu is in the process of setting up an organisation to deliver sporting programs to disadvantaged kids, with the aim of building community, a sense of belonging, engagement, skills development and just having a fun time along the way.

Through a friend we offered to help and were thrilled to be able to contribute a logo for his idea.

Older soccer balls were made with a mixture of pentagon and hexagon patches – MABSS is a five letter acronym – and before that they were made of interlocking fabric or leather ‘fingers’.

We used a range of colours to symbolise diversity and inclusion (and a sense of fun), and the interlocking nature of the turbine suggests both movement and also a sense of interconnectedness, of each part belonging and having meaning and importance to the others; naturally, through their combination, the pieces make something far greater; their open-sided nature suggests the future is not yet defined.

Finally, all graphic designers hold the graphic treatment of the Mexico ’68 Olympics in high regards; the multi-stripe effect again hints at diversity but practically has long been associated with sports, particularly soccer; it was great to homage that vibe in the typography, echoing the shapes in the white space ball above.

 Abu isn’t ready for uniforms just yet, but I couldn’t help throwing the idea out there; who knows what the future will bring for his amazing vision.