Takasho Product Photography 23-24

ShotOn location at Takasho HQ
And at Fondu’s photography studio
Our workProduct Photography
Photo etching, retouching
Post-photography image manipulation (re-colouring, heavy editing of sample product, addition of foreign elements)
Why it’s hereCradle to grave photography process all done in-house
Excellent product photography for print and online catalogues and packaging

With a huge range of garden and home beautification products, Takasho partner with an independent retailer network and need each product shown in its best light via print catalogues, electronic media on tablets, and via the web to the broader public. Often the images are also used for product photography.

So accurate, colour-correct, impacting product imagery is crucial.

Often, we’re working with first sample products with changes to be made to finish, colour, proportion, and texture: we handle it all.

Other times, it’s more “Can you put a plant in that pot?” – sure we can.

So here’s a selection from this year’s new products; some original colour, some changed; some plants in-situ, some inserted in post-production.

And one water feature that was essentially built from parts and illustrations completely in Photoshop to match the coming production model. It was accurate enough that we didn’t need to reshoot the real thing.